Friday, December 27, 2019

Cultural Heritage And Heritage Preservation - 1541 Words

Cultural heritage is a testimony to reflect the distinctiveness of a place made by human (UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2008). According to Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau (n.d.), Macau has a wealth of cultural heritage which illustrates the interchange between China and the West such as knowledge, religions, and social trends. Thus, Macau is listed as Historic Centre of Macau in the World Heritage List since there is a significant number of built heritage in the western styles as well as local style in China. In 2014, tourist arrival amounts to 31,525,632 and total spending of visitors is MOP 61.75 billion (Documentation and Information Centre of Statistics and Census Service, 2015). As a result, cultural tourism promotes the growth of the†¦show more content†¦Kathmandu is a historic site that demonstrates the art of metallurgy through its ornaments in the nature of heritage like the images of deities (Becker-Ritterspach, 2010). Meanwhile, cultural tourism is regarded by coun tries as an opportunity to expand their economy. According to Borona and Ndiema (2014), it helps to boost employments, investments as well as the growth of local business. In addition, they conclude that place identity of the community members grows in line with their pride in heritage. Besides, Vong (2015) interviewed Macau youths for evaluating the mediating effect of place identity of Macau youths in cultural tourism corresponding to their place attachment. It was found that their place identity grows with their perception about heritage conservation in Macau. Similarly, it appears to apply to less concentration of historic environment when local residents perceive something special to them (English Heritage, 2009). Therefore, heritage conservation contributes social cohesion which favours the sustainability of the society. Cultural tourism obtains the support of the community because their interests are secured. In general, cultural tourism not only restores the historic structures but also promotes the investments on cultural values (Borona Ndiema, 2014). Naumov (2015) emphasizes that the involvement of people is integral to the success of cultural tourism since visitors intend to explore different

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Issues Arising From The Media Representation Of Race

This essay will highlight the key issues arising from the media representation of race. In the essay the concepts of stereotyping, othering and appropriation will be discussed with the hope of showing that there are many issues in regards race. Race is not easily defined, however simply put the Concise Oxford Dictionary describes race as â€Å"A group of people or things with a common feature.† To think of race is to think of racism as John storey says The first thing to insist on in discussion of ‘race’ is that there is just one ‘race’, the human race. Human biology does not divide people into different ‘races’; it is racism (and sometimes its counter arguments) that insists on this division. This essay will seek to elaborate on how the†¦show more content†¦Race is about differences and as times change so do differences â€Å"We are always different, negotiating different kinds of differences.† In Establishing differences between ethnicities the idea of the black slave gets regurgitated frequently, by likening minorities with ‘blackness’, which trivializes them in order to make them subservient. For example, during colonial times the English sought to establish the Irish as an inferior minority therefore, propaganda was produced which animalised the Irish, making them ape-like to represent them as moving towards ‘Blackness’. Likening them to ‘blackness’ made them seem less ‘white’ and therefore less ‘human’. Charles Kingsley said But I am haunted by the human chimpanzees I saw along that hundred miles of horrible country. [†¦] But to see white chimpanzees is dreadful; if they were black, one would not feel it so much, but their skins, except where tanned by exposure, are as white as ours. Ethnic minorities, also fall victim to stereotyping, whereby the actions of a small selection of the ethnic group are seen to represent the entire group. â€Å"The roles in which ethnic minorities have been developed in media texts have tended to be stereotypical, constructing a narrow and generalised version of the lives and identities of such populations.† For

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Illegal War In Kosovo Essay Example For Students

Illegal War In Kosovo Essay President Clinton addressed the people of the United States on June 10, 1999 over the United States’ mission in Kosovo. Kosovo is a province of Serbia, which makes this war a civil war. Highlights of his speech outline the goals that he wanted to obtain in this Humanitarian intervention, as he called it. The mission had flaws innate to it from the beginning. The three-tiered goal of the President was clearly stated. The first is to allow the Kosovar people back into their homes. The second is to require Serbian forces to leave Kosovo. The last thing was to deploy an international security force, with NATO at its core, to protect all the people that troubled the land, Serbians and Albanians alike. The message was clear, but was not followed in regards to international law, and NATO’s Charter, and even the three clearly stated missions. The involvement in Kosovo’s war is illegal, and the President of the United States has pushed NATO into committing wartime crimes and has used the Powers-of-Office in an unconstitutional manner, which resulted in the illegal intervention of a sovereign state. On March 24, 1999, the united countries of North Atlantic Treaty Organization, under pressure from the United States, launched an illegal assault upon a sovereign nation. The evidence is overwhelming that leaders within the United State government sponsored this decision with the extreme perseverance from President of the United States. NATO should have dismissed the request for assault and involvement for it was clearly illegal. It’s perpetrators showed total disregard for Article One of the NATO Charter, which incorporates by reference the United Nations Charter, Chapter One, Article Two, Sections Three, Four and Seven. These sections make it clear that NATO’s role is to be purely defensive. The aggression that NATO has undertaken did not come from or with approval of the UN Security Council, which NATO’s Charter clearly states nume rous times that the UN Security Council will convene and approve of any such matter or action. It is a brutal violation of NATO’s Charter and of all principles of international law. NATO used military weapons and tactics that run counter to the demands of decency and the nature of a moral people. Cluster bombs are outright illegal. Geneva Convention has concluded the use of cluster bombs and anti-tank and anti-personnel mines as illegal munitions. Cluster bombs and mines have a five percent failure to diffuse, which leads to civilian casualties. In addition, the sheer massiveness of the attacks that has resulted in over 2000 civilian casualties and many more injured, coupled with the use of depleted uranium weapons and the bombing of chemical plants has raised legitimate environmental concerns in addition to the horror that it spelled for its victims. Toxic clouds drifted into other countries causing further violations on human rights and clear disregard for the purpose of NA TO’s intervention. This disregard for the human rights and NATO’s aggression comes in direct violation of several Treaties, and Charters. To name a few that this war has violated is the Geneva Convention, Nuremberg Decisions, NATO Charter, United Nations Charter, and United States Constitution. Atrocities against Serbs continue, often at the hands of Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army who has taken charge in Kosovo. NATO camps were to be established for refugees Kosovo, but have been turned into KLA’s military depots and safeguard camps. This is in direct opposition to the mission that was to protect every troubled person Serbians and Albanians alike. Kosovo Force (KFOR) troops now occupy their land due to a coerced treaty. KFOR troops have looked on or offered only token assistance to Serbian citizens. NATOs brutal aggression against Yugoslavia is murdering hundreds of people, amongst them children, elderly and women. It is destroying cities and villages, populate d quarters, factories, houses, hospitals, schools, cultural and historical monuments, installations for the provision of water, railroads, bridges, and communication centers. This does not sound as if NATO is trying to stop a war or even intervene based on humanitarian rights. The facts point towards a gross execution of a one sided agenda, which screams save the Albanians. .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e , .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .postImageUrl , .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e , .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e:hover , .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e:visited , .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e:active { border:0!important; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e:active , .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0304887b2e9230d443fd6fc312ab378e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Build a Fire Essay The United States President not only pushed for an illegal attack on a sovereign state, but also used the Powers-of-Office in an unconstitutional manner by declaring war on Serbia. Any conflict that introduces United States forces into hostilities for more than 60 days is considered an act of aggression or war. Article One; Section Eight of the United States Constitution gives Congress the sole power to declare war. The execution of an Executive Order allows the President to deploy troops in a war for only 60 days. Any further delays and the Congress have to vote on whether to go to war or pull out United States troops. Congress has voted on declaring war on Yugoslavia and has been rejected a wide margin. President Clinton has not pulled out United States troops, but rather is sending 2000 more troops to Kosovo. This act is in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States and War Power Act of 1973. The war against Yugoslavia serves to strengthen imperialism militarily and economically, not only in Europe but also in relation to the strategic areas of the Middle East and the former Soviet Union. It is the first open NATO war of aggression in its 50 years of history, and it includes the first combat role of German troops on foreign soil since the defeat of Hitler’s totalitarianism. The United States NATO war has resulted in the military occupation of the former Peoples Socialist Republic of Albania, has turned Albania into the main military base of imperialism in its aggression against Yugoslavia, and has brought new life to a Hitler concept of a Greater Albania. NATO and the United States have clearly proven to commit illegal international acts that resemble agendas of terrorist organizations. NATOs leaders should be brought before an International Court as war criminals, responsible for aggression against the sovereign state of Yugoslavia. The United States President should be tried before Congress for enacting illegal Powers-of-Office. NATO also should pull its forces out of Kosovo immediately until just punishment and appropriate measures can be resolved. If NATO is allowed to continue its reign and fight for Albanian refugees, then all countries that enter into a civil war conflict will be at risk of NATO’s wrath. English Essays

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit

Federal budget deficit occurs when the government expenditure exceeds the government income through revenue in a fiscal year. For instance, the last year the US federal deficit was $ 1.57 trillion, and this year, it is estimated to come to $1.267 trillion (Amadeo 2).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The problem with this deficit is that every year, it is added to the already existing Federal Debt which currently stands at over $ 14 trillion. Two thirds of this Federal Debt is the money owed by the federal government to the public, private companies and even foreign governments who bought treasury bills, notes and even bonds. The remaining third is money owed by the federal government to itself in the form of government account securities usually from trust funds, thus, they are to be paid back after a cer tain period of time, when the baby boomers retire (Chantrill 8). There are several consequences that arise as a result of federal budget deficit which must be explored keenly to establish the dangers that lie ahead. Every fiscal year, the budget is bound to go one way or another. There can be a deficit one year, and the following year, the state may enjoy a budget surplus. However, in the US federal budget, surplus has been elusive. For instance, between the years 1929 and 1969, the federal budget recorded a surplus only nine times, and it had never happened for three consecutive years at one time (Cashell 5). First, the federal budget fails to distinguish between â€Å"operating† and â€Å"capital† expenditures. Operating expenditures are those incurred in running government and funding the services it provides; capital expenditures relate to purchases of long lived buildings and equipment, and include expenditures on infrastructure. The failure to distinguish these t ypes of expenditures is at odds with accepted accounting practice, and is at odds with the accounting practices adopted by corporate America. It amounts to claiming that expenditures on roads and buildings are equivalent to consumption, and that these assets are fully used up in the year they are purchased. The result is to overstate spending, and give government an air of profligacy. If capital expenditures were appropriately capitalized, both government expenditures and the deficit would be lower (Palley 4). Figure 1 and table 1 below show the budget deficit over the years. The table 1 elaborates the federal deficits in figures between the year 2000 and the projected deficit up to the year 2016.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Figure 1 Source: usgovernmentspending .com Table 1 Federal Deficit Fiscal Years 2000 to 2016 Year GDP-US $ billion Federal Def icit -fed pct GDP 2000 9884.17 -2.39 a 2001 10218 -1.25 a 2002 10572.4 1.49 a 2003 11067.8 3.41 a 2004 11788.9 3.50 a 2005 12554.5 2.54 a 2006 13310.9 1.87 a 2007 13969.3 1.15 a 2008 14270.5 3.21 a 2009 14014.8 10.08 a 2010 14551.8 8.89 a 2011 15079.6 8.61 a 2012 15812.5 6.96 b 2013 16752.4 4.58 b 2014 17782.2 3.62 b 2015 18804.1 3.23 b Source: usgovernmentspending .com From a position of near budget balance in 1970, the budget went into deficit. In part because of an economic contraction beginning in late 1973 and ending in early1975, the surplus fell to -4.2% (in other words, a deficit equal to 4.2%) of GDP in1976. Another economic downturn began in mid-1981 and ended in late 1982 contributing to another drop in the surplus, to -6% of GDP in 1983. Since then, with a brief reversal attributable to an economic contraction in 1990 and 1991, the surplus increased steadily until 2000. In FY2001, the surplus fell from 2.4% of GDP the previous ye ar to 1.3% of GDP. In 2002, there was a budget deficit (a negative surplus) of 1.5% of GDP and by FY2004 it had reached 3.6% of GDP. While the budget has clearly been influenced by changing economic conditions there nevertheless appeared to be a tendency towards smaller and smaller surpluses (at the time they were characterized as increasing deficits, which is the same thing) between1970 and 1983. Through 2000, that trend had been reversed, but over each of the next four years the surplus declined (Cashell 5).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Deficit spending increases the debt of the country every year. The argument put forward it is that deficit spending would help to increase the economic growth which is partially true in the short term, especially in times of recession like it has been experienced in the last three years . However the final result of deficit spending is never pleasant as the economy experiences a lot of damage due to the interest rates that have to be paid in the long run. This interest is added to the debt every year, actually about 5% of the budget every year goes to interest payments. For instance, in 2009, the interest accrued amounted to $383 billion which had actually reduced from $451 billion only due to lower interest rates at the time in the fiscal year 2008. Sadly, it is predicted that the figure will be four times larger in the year 2020 which is estimated to $840 billion (Amadeo 3). When this happens, the creditors will start doubting the ability of the government to repay the loans and, hence, will look at it as a great risk. As a result, they will be justified to ask for greater returns in terms of increased interest rates which will cost the government even more money and slow down the economy. Other measures to counter the problem have proved fu tile due to various economic back lashes. For example, an attempt by the government to let the value of the dollar dip so as to lower the amount of debt payable backfires since investors become less willing to purchase the treasury bonds at the same time (Cashell 6). By borrowing from the social security fund, the government shoots itself in the foot. This is in the view that paying the debt would be an uphill task when the time finally comes since the government is forced to borrow from the same kitty every year. The consequences of this are that borrowing from the social security would be stopped and considered that this accounts for more than a third of the deficit which would be great to blow to the government. Evidently, this would slow down the very economy that gets a boost from deficit spending (Cashell 7). Once, Thomas Jefferson said that â€Å"I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independen ce, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt† (, 6). What he wanted to illustrate is the fact that running a balanced budget had more advantages than running a deficit spending.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Several factors support this saying since balance budgeting is within the reach of federal government. In the year 1998, the budget office of the US congressional forecasted â€Å"shows the federal budget to be in effective balance, with a projected deficit of just $5 billion this year—a trivial percentage of an estimated $8.5 trillion gross domestic product† ( 5). What followed that is that the government was able to balance the budget without causing any negative complication. One measure economists use to assess fiscal policy is the structural, or standardized-employment, budget. This measure estimates, at a given time, what outlays, receipts, and the surplus or deficit would be if the economy were at full employment.5 It is a way of separating changes in the budget totals that are due to changes in overall economic conditions from those changes that are the result of deliberate changes in tax and spending policy. Changes in the standardized-employment sur plus reflect changes in policy and are not affected by variations in underlying economic conditions. For example, if the economy is less than fully employed, then the standardized measure of outlays is less than actual outlays, standardized receipts are higher than actual receipts, and the standardized budget deficit would be smaller than the actual deficit. Economists track the standardized-employment surplus as a percentage of potential GDP to assess if fiscal policy is simulative or contradicting. As the economy grows, outlays and receipts tend to rise as well. Comparing the budget to GDP filters out changes due to variations in the overall size of the economy. Potential GDP is an estimate of what the total value of production of goods and services would be if labor and capital resources were fully employed. Using potential GDP as a base for comparison avoids the problem of cyclical factors masking changes in fiscal policy. A decrease in the standardized budget deficit relative t o potential GDP would be considered indicative of a contractionary fiscal policy. Similarly, an increase in the standardized budget deficit as a percentage of potential GDP would be indicative of a simulative fiscal policy (Cashell 8). Works Cited Amadeo, Kimberly.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"How the U.S. Federal Debt and Deficit Differ and How They Affect Each  Other,† 2011. Web. Cashell, Brian W. â€Å"The Economics of the Federal Budget Deficit.† CRS Report for  Congress Journal, Vol 2, (2005) P12-13. Chantrill, Christopher. â€Å"US Government Spending History from 1900 US†, 2011. Web. â€Å"Thoughts on the Business of Life†, 2011. Web.14 November 2011 Palley, Thomas. â€Å"The Sorry Politics of the Balanced Budget Amendment,†Ã‚  Challenge Journal, 40, May/June 1997, 5 – 13. This research paper on The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit was written and submitted by user Brooke C. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Nature of the Traffic Safety Problem in Oman

Nature of the Traffic Safety Problem in Oman Introduction The focus of this paper is to clarify, elaborate and organize emerging perspectives of problem definition. Particular aims are: analysis of malleable nature involving public cases based on the problem definition, determination of common kinds of problem definition as such description posse powerful impacts for policy design and agenda access.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Nature of the Traffic Safety Problem in Oman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the treatise aims to provide myriad illustrations of persuasive importance of problem definition within political contemporary context. Also, form strategy of investigation, ramification, and elements of the problem definition are addressed. Nature of the traffic safety problem in Oman The analysis of social reality shows that problem definition refers to a political claim which provides solution to such vital policy inquiry. The main aim i s to delineate key problem descriptions with their options. Nature of social problem embraces several dimensions that go beyond causality. Such features may reduce or enhance opportunities of public acts. Problem nature may be analyzed in terms of severity, crisis, novelty, incidence and proximity. Severity is how serious a challenge and its impacts are. For example, if an issue encounters trouble of pubic crowd, magnitude of people will affect public agenda. On the other side, devastating effects of little population may also contribute to a persistent problem. How severity is strong may be a contentious issue because such problem definition is crucial in capturing agenda of the media and public official. Incidence of social problem is a vital dimension which represents affected people such as groups in trouble. Incidence is a debatable issue which intermix existing information and politics. In some cases, the issue is likely to change with time. A problem may be stable, develop, o r decline. Exponential and linear projections are commonly ominous. If accepted to be valid, then it may build intense pressure that is suitable for faster public intervention (Smith Larimer 67-68). New projection of such kind captures space in daily newspapers. For example, troubling forecast on global deforestation, surging traffic challenge experienced in New York due to increased quantity of vehicles’ registration, and issue of declining trends of airline safety are just but a few. Incidence cases have social dimensions that affect human society such as child abuse and poverty issues.Advertising Looking for case study on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Novelty issue is a trailblazing, unprecedented or novel whose effects draw attention. After some time, a novel issue many wane, and media or public get bored with the matter and thus withdrawn from it. Matters that have never been witnes sed are not easy to be conceptualized since they don’t have familiar resolutions from people. Therefore, when tension emerges, it may be publicized while people expect solution from it, though no consensus may be reached by political system to solve the challenge (Shahalam, 23-24). For example, new drug may be promising to treat serious health challenges like HIV-AIDS. People may be pleased with such invention. However, the drug, that is beneficial, may be risky thus have to be assessed carefully. Critics may encounter such as time consuming and problematic. Every invention that brings practical and ethical significance needs evaluation. Proximity may be illustrated in this debate when an issue impinges interests of an individual(s) within his/her or their locality. Proximity may capture people’s attention and may be expressed politically. The matter’s proponents attempt to promote their base due to individual relevance. Consequently, National Commission; which is concerned with child affairs, unveiled its report based on child poverty in United States. It describes such problem as personal tragedy and also as country’s strategy. Crisis is an aspect that is applied in a condition where resolution is overdue for long time and dire situation persist. National deficit is an issue that is associated with crisis. Death cases in 1986 of two famous athletes due to drug overdose together with emergence of new kind of cocaine changed the drug problem into crisis situation. Emergency is a concept synonymously utilized with crisis (Rochefort Cobb 56-71). Problem of homelessness may define a condition as emergent that needs quick response to provide temporary solutions (shelter provision) instead of long-term comprehensive reforms associated with health care, housing and unemployment. Cause of traffic safety problem in Oman Problem causation defines the origin of the problem. Vital distinction is to determine whether a challenge is impersonal or individual cause. For example, underclass challenge may be attributed to either cultural and economical systems or lack of personal determination. In technological realm, (for example), equipment error or human duties may accounts for failure of Nuclear Plants.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Nature of the Traffic Safety Problem in Oman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Perception of causation is likely to be ingrained in human propensity. When something happens, immediate action is to examine underlying justifications as to why such event occurred. Accidental and intended causes are distinct to one another. Intended causes are human act purposively formed to bring specific impacts. According to public making policy, when an action is thought to be victorious, then it is rational. But if it is not successful, such failure sources are linked to conspiracies. Some problems are simple and particular to a single cause. Others have various influences. Problem definitions based on two ways may predispose political action into various impacts. Channeling the aim into either two or one casual factor(s) is an indication that those who define the problem are willing to make immediate response. More complex policies may be formed to promote prompt response. Policy makers may make foolish interventions when overwhelmed with inadequate knowledge of casual interaction. However, there exist vital exceptions to such common system. Policy makers may engender multi-pronged resolutions and multi-casual justifications among sophisticated attempts and those that posses great capability to create effective support. Catastrophic of crude oil in Alaska is a good experience that counsels the society not to concentrate on personal scapegoats but rather to enhance mechanisms of cleanup and prevention of oil spill including other measurers such as faster spill response strategy and effective tanker design. Charact eristics of the problem population Such problems are individuals and groups problems. This happens in social welfare whose aim intends to provide services and resources to particular target populations. Political interests to execute such determinations depend on the societal views of people who will benefit (Baumgartner and Jones, 2-11). Balance between coercion and assistance based on policy designed depends on how negative or positive such perceptions are.These are vital dimensions for government‘s policy, because any attitudinal axes support to form aggregate impression If a community is unworthy or worthy to get support. Out-group (out-law) individuals and deviants’ members may not get similar consideration to people who have shown public willingness and responsilibity. Threatening and sympathetic populations should be evaluated in the similar way. Such attributes may be used to account for mentally ill, elderly, poor and working persons.Advertising Looking for case study on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Data of public opinion may also demonstrate favorable attitude of various claimants to be given support in such a society. Current public policy contracts this move. It claims that it is not wise to use restrict resources in supporting disliked or silent people or sex offenders. In fact, States have to provide more for social aide to the AIDS and elderly and disadvantaged victims. Abusers should not be seen as unfortunate people in society. They should be supported without biasness. Possible policy solutions Definitional attempts in policy making develop from problem issues to those who are interested in and influenced by such to involve solution descriptions toward alleviating such challenges. Unless political harmony crystallizes such issues, government may not implement such. This policy emphasizes projective, empirical and scientific matters to assist in determining the impacts and likelihood to obtain desirable outcomems. The most key focus at this level is to generate effectiv e solutions. It is either worse or good impacts of political realm, a nostrum which have not been evaluated and applied in macro-social level. Thus, policy makers only engage in skepticism (guessing game) to choose either restraint or aggressive intervention. This has influenced economic events with important strategies in experienced touted resolutions whose reliabilities are controversial. For example, Nuclear Plants intends to provide reliable and cheap electricity, health programs is focused to enhance better living standards, training and employments aims to counteract dependency level, and recycling process attempts resolve disposal challenge. All these are faced with controversy due to skepticism. Acceptable solution is not an effective action but has to be an act that conforms to an acceptable standard behavior. This is an ethical issue, though it is faced with controversy. For example, Chemical Warfare was brought by war experience in Middle East region. Such weapons were l ethal not only to the targeted enemies but also to military arsenals who used them. Owning lethal weaponry is not acceptable because it is harmful. Acceptability is an ethical issue that enhances new technology. Though, fetal tissue implantation is important in combating nervous problem in human life, it is opposed because such surgery may enhance abortion. It may be implanted in the person’s brain who suffers from Parkinson disease. Policy intervention may be available, agreed and acceptable, but its affordability raises many inquiries. For instance, Policy makers are careful in carrying out financial tasks. People’s demands are increasing with new and existing programs. A funding has provided positive social and education impacts to disadvantaged preschool aged children (Anderson, 45). There is controversy about how much should be funded to serve all children who are eligible. The country is also determined to improve infant mortality, though prenatal service is comp lex and expensive. It is controversial how all such services will be delivered, particularly through which way of funding. Affordability invokes different standards of aims of participants. Finance comparison with various proposed policies, depending on cost estimates and budgetary constraints compared with social and economic costs of failure to act are prevalent. Conclusively, problem definition remains a fundamental aspect in public making policy. It is a political process in enacting legislation, initiation and program design. This paper examines the impacts, origin and elements of problem definition linking this attempt to recent policy enacting progress and future investigation needs. Pubic making policy is based on logical natural consequence. Social problems may be solved through gathering information. Public officials should assess the causes of the problem and to provide solution by effectively enacting new legislation. The strategy is carried out until the challenge is re solved. Empirical proof refutes such claim. This explains that other factors, a part from objective situations, are responsible to particular challenges. Arbitrariness and controversy may affect how a situation is understood. There exist divergent views of significance, origin and effects of any challenge in the communal context. Language usage is critical in analyzing what aspect of any challenge to be evaluated. Anderson, James. Public Policy Making, New York: Wadsworth / Cengage, 2011. Print. Baumgartner, Frank R. and Bryan D. Jones. Agenda and Instabilities in American Politics. Chicago: University Chicago Press, 2009. Print. Rochefort, David and Roger W. Cobb. ‘‘Problem Definition, Agenda Access and Policy Choice.’’ Policy Studies Journal 21.1(1993): 56-71. Print. Shahalam, A, et. al. ‘‘Oman Traffic Safety Case: Traffic Accidents and Potential Causes.’’ National Engineering Conference on Roads 5(2001): 23-24. Print. Smith, Ke lvin B. and Christopher Larimer. The public policy theory primer. Bouldre: West View Press, 2009. Print.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Fashion And Social Stratification

Fashion. I’ll admit†¦ it’s a subject that both frightens me and intrigues me. Probably because I’ve worn the same clothing for the last 6 years of my life with very little update on my wardrobe, and it shows. It amazes me how seriously people can take the subject of fashion while I’m just satisfied with what I have. Not that I don’t seek possessions, but I tend to seek possessions with a little more utility than high heels have for catching a bus. In this paper I’ll be discussing a few aspects of fashion that pertain to society and how they interact with the social class structure. Of these, I will try to focus on fashion and how society views the individual. We’ll begin with fashion. Fashion is the desire of self-identification and has been an important part of Human nature since we were Hunter-Gatherers. Teeth, bones, hair etc... were all displayed as trophies from the victory over foes. â€Å"An evidence of the wearer's prowess, and not of the prowess of another.† (Edward Ross, pg. 96) However, in societies with little social class movement or strict caste systems, we see little change in fashion. In ancient Japan, fashion was restricted to those who were believed to be inferior. Every detail of a farmer’s existence was given in length by law, including fashion. A farmer who produced an inadequate amount of rice per calendar year (less than 20 koku of rice) was unable to wear stockings and his sandals were to be made of bamboo. Other family members were affected as well. His wife was not to wear silk or tortoise ornaments in her hair nor was she able to wear anything but sandals made of wood or straw w ith thongs fashioned of cotton. Neither of them were allowed the use of sunshades or paper parasols to shield the sun during the hot days spent in the rice fields. In Izumo there were laws in place defining not only the material of the dresses to be worn by the women of various classes, but c... Free Essays on Fashion And Social Stratification Free Essays on Fashion And Social Stratification Fashion. I’ll admit†¦ it’s a subject that both frightens me and intrigues me. Probably because I’ve worn the same clothing for the last 6 years of my life with very little update on my wardrobe, and it shows. It amazes me how seriously people can take the subject of fashion while I’m just satisfied with what I have. Not that I don’t seek possessions, but I tend to seek possessions with a little more utility than high heels have for catching a bus. In this paper I’ll be discussing a few aspects of fashion that pertain to society and how they interact with the social class structure. Of these, I will try to focus on fashion and how society views the individual. We’ll begin with fashion. Fashion is the desire of self-identification and has been an important part of Human nature since we were Hunter-Gatherers. Teeth, bones, hair etc... were all displayed as trophies from the victory over foes. â€Å"An evidence of the wearer's prowess, and not of the prowess of another.† (Edward Ross, pg. 96) However, in societies with little social class movement or strict caste systems, we see little change in fashion. In ancient Japan, fashion was restricted to those who were believed to be inferior. Every detail of a farmer’s existence was given in length by law, including fashion. A farmer who produced an inadequate amount of rice per calendar year (less than 20 koku of rice) was unable to wear stockings and his sandals were to be made of bamboo. Other family members were affected as well. His wife was not to wear silk or tortoise ornaments in her hair nor was she able to wear anything but sandals made of wood or straw w ith thongs fashioned of cotton. Neither of them were allowed the use of sunshades or paper parasols to shield the sun during the hot days spent in the rice fields. In Izumo there were laws in place defining not only the material of the dresses to be worn by the women of various classes, but c...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Joan of Arc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Joan of Arc - Essay Example This clearly shows that she was set up and convicted of the offence of heresy (Halsall, 2013). The trial shows that Joan was merely set up by the religious leaders who were merely after political power who organized how she could be sentenced on trumped-up charges. The bishop had also made sure that he chose biased and timid assessors who misquoted the defense of Joan with the sole aim of finding her guilty (Halsall, n.d).. This also included the falsification of evidence and the threatening of the assessors, which just led to her conviction despite her pleas to be tried by an unbiased tribunal headed by the pope. After being found guilty, the court further prepared for her execution through burning at the market place. Joan therefore died a martyr as recorded on May 30 by Maugier Leparmentier who writes... â€Å"And in the fire she cried more than six times "Jesus,". The usher Jean Massieu also weighed in that Joan had died to â€Å"proclaim and confess aloud the holy name of Jesus†. This clearly shows the conviction that Joan had in whatever she had carried out as t hat bordering on martyrdom. Therefore, it can be seen from the trial that it was carried out through intimidation and putting her under duress in order to swear allegiance to the church as it was then constituted. It is also important to note that the trial of Joan of Arc was mainly inspired by the interests of the English to claim that the coronation of Charles as king had been under the guidance of the devil and so they convicted her of witchcraft. This development in the trial process was also informed by the desire of the English troops to demoralize the French troops who had made some victories in some wars while at the same time curtail the dwindling fortunes of the English troops (Halsall, 2013). These were confirmed by the confirmation of Joan as a saint as an inquiry ordered by the Pope found that the sentence made by Cauchon